Ivan is Interviewed on Wyoming Public Radio

During the interview Ivan expressed what many of us feel:

The process now that I see in Wyoming politics is either “for me” or “against me.” I'm not saying that across the bar, but I'm saying that we see that part of politics where there’s no dialogue, there's no middle ground to meet and do the best for districts and the state of Wyoming in general.

But what actually helped me make my mind up [about running] was reading the last legislative budget session and seeing that there were still people that are moderate and willing to work together, and that have the best interest of Wyoming in mind.

You know, I'm not only a tribal citizen or citizen of my tribe. I'm also a citizen of the county and the state, and nationally.

As the original – I shouldn’t say Wyomingites, but we were here before the state was even in existence – I think I'd be bringing a little more and a little better representation, whether it's in health care, law enforcement or veterans issues. I think it’s a big canvas with a lot to paint on.


Ivan’s Run for House District 33 Covered on National Native News


Ivan’s Announcement for HD 33 Covered on Wyoming Public Radio